Returns the districtheat consumption for a given time period. The data is given in the interval you specify and for the time period between the given from- and toTime parameters. If no parameters are specified, the default values will be used. The default time period is the last 24 hours and the default interval is hourly.
Resource URL /{agreementId}/consumption/districtheat/data
Query Parameters
Name | Values | Description |
fromTime |
A Java timestamp in milliseconds used to determine the start of the period that data is collected from. |
toTime |
A Java timestamp in milliseconds used to determine the end of the period that data is collected from. |
interval |
Determines the time intervals there will be between consumption measurements. Value can be Hours/Days/Weeks/Months/Years. |
Header Parameters
Name | Values | Description |
Content-Type |
Request Body
agreementId Agreement id true
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Response Error Details
HTTP CodeError CodeDescription
Bad Request
Internal server error
Resource Summary |
Security |